Uncover Hidden Sanctions
Running ongoing exclusions and disciplinary searches shouldn't be a burden on your staff's time and resources. Our powerful exclusions search tool allows you to quickly and easily search lists of names against thousands of sources – all in one simple online process.
Designed specifically for healthcare clients, Certiphi Screening’s proprietary SanctionsBase tool provides an easy, intuitive way to conduct ongoing excluded parties screening on both employees and contractors. Our Web-based portal allows you to simply upload your list and search thousands of sources concurrently using search logic you define. SanctionsBase provides instant results, including exclusion and violation details, and can even eliminate potential matches that you have already ruled out during previous searches.
Exclusion Sources
- HHS Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE)
- The System for Award Management’s (SAM) Excluded Parties List (EPLS)
- All available state-specific exclusion lists
- All available state Medicaid opt-out lists
Additional Sources
In addition to exclusions lists, you can also expand your ongoing screening by including any of the thousands of additional available sources, including, but not limited to:
- Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons
- Food and Drug Administration
- 1600+ additional state boards
- 169 other federal sources
- Hundreds of international sources
Compliance: Reduce the risk of costly repayment penalties, fines and ongoing OIG audits by ensuring that you are always in compliance. | |
Efficient: Instant, comprehensive online reports streamline and simplify the monitoring process. | |
Customization: Our one-of-a-kind search logic configurator allows you to build the specific details of how searches are performed. | |
Speed: Reduce time spent conducting continuous screening of employees and contractors by consolidating into one search. | |
Security: Advanced security systems are in place to protect all Personally Identifiable Information (PII). |